Conférence par Olivier Kaeppelin
Les oiseaux dans l’œuvre de Gérard Garouste
Le 9 septembre à 18h
Auditorium Saint-Paul-de-Vence
150 Route des Serres
06570 Saint-Paul-de-Vence
Accès libre
Inscription recommandée : Plateforme de réservation
Lecture by Olivier Kaeppelin
Birds in the work of Gérard Garouste
Olivier Kaeppelin, curator, art critic, writer and author of the recent book Le Banquet de Garouste, will give a talk at the Saint-Paul de Vence auditorium on 9 September 2023 on the figure of the bird in the work of Gérard Garouste.
Both highly symbolic and the bearer of multiple meanings in art since the cave age, the image of the bird has long intrigued and continues to fascinate artists, as shown by the works created for the third edition of the Biennale Internationale de Saint-Paul de Vence.
9 September at 6pm
Saint-Paul-de-Vence Auditorium
150 Route des Serres
06570 Saint-Paul-de-Vence
Free admission
Registration recommended: Booking platform